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In-vivo and in-vitro Immunomodulatory potential of Cassia auriculata Linn

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Original Article

Author Details : Manoj V. Girase, Monika L. Jadhav

Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2016

Article Page : 229-234

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The present study was undertaken with an objective to investigate in-vivo and in-vitro immunomodulatory potential of Cassia auriculata Linn. The methanolic extracts of flowers and roots of plant were investigated for their immunomodulatory potential by using in-vivo, oxazolone-induced cell mediated inflammation in rat’s model and various in-vitro immunomodulatory models. Methanolic extracts of both flowers and roots were screened scientifically through various activities models. The result of oxazolone-induced cell mediated inflammation, showed that methanolic flowers extract possesses immunomodulatory potential. While in in-vitro immunomodulatory models like NBT reduction assay by human PMN cells, methanolic flower extract showed dose dependent stimulation. With the same extract similar observation was recorded with phagocytosis of Candida albicans by human PMN. The methanolic flower extract also increased candidacidal activity in dose-dependent manner. The methanolic flower extract significantly induced human PMN cells chemotaxis and exhibited potent effects than positive control. Thus results of in-vitro studies clearly indicated that methanolic flower extract has immunostimulant effect, where as in in-vivo study of oxazolone-induced delayed type hypersensitivity, methanolic flower extract significantly reduced rat ear edema in dose dependent manner. The in-vitro assays, revealed that methanolic flower extract possess potent immunomodulatory activity due to its antioxidant potential. In all, results represented here indicated that Cassia auriculata, in addition to its reputed cytoprotected effects, also passes significant immunomodulatory activity. Thus the flavonoids rich methanolic flowers extract can be exploited in chronic inflammatory condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis usually in combination with conventional drugs to reduce the dose and dose related toxicities of later.

Keywords: Immunomodulatory, NBT assay, Cassia auriculata, Oxazolone 

How to cite : Girase M V, Jadhav M L, In-vivo and in-vitro Immunomodulatory potential of Cassia auriculata Linn. Int J Pharm Chem Anal 2016;3(4):229-234

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